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Showing posts from September, 2019

From Summer until now

It has sure been a long time since last time but I thought I should give this a go. I left London with my Canadian boyfriend and traveled the UK thanks to National Express and a good pair of runners. I met the in-laws and their family friend through a two week journey of castles, mysterious fog, mountain glens, natural pools, wine, cheese and crackers and a moist sock smell in a crammed up car driving from Glasgow to Skye, around the Hebrides and then after a little Scottish Highland Game rainy mud hill running, landing in Edinburgh. I have walked up to Highland cows, swam in a sea more turquoise then the Caribbean, ate snacks on graveyards, waited for a changed tire at a Outer Hebride scrap-yard, slept in bunk-beds, tried to enter year 1743 through the well used in Outlander, realized I seen way to many castles, had my boyfriend convinced to dress up for a back in time photo-shoot with his mother (who loves Outlander <3) drank rum and coke in Edinburghs hunted dungeons and waved