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Showing posts from March, 2019

Flora- my garden

stop the growth, stop the blossom, as someone might eat them, tear them apart. something I learned, as I let them grow too far, there were lilies appearing, so sensitive and bright, sticks would be better, and less vulnerable- right ? Once they roamed my garden, I guess I made it too inviting. My garden, me. Stop the blossom, stop me. Do not let me breathe and florish free. That is not how I want my life to be.

Pillars (true love lets us find our feet)

It was not your fault, you are not to blame. For with another open hearted person they would have done just the same. You believed in good, and please always do. There is nothing wrong in loving something we believe to be true. But know this, it is inside of you- that love they told you were missing, they painted void and blue.  You are not lacking- only finding your strength, Never doubt your own pillars my friend.  Shame on those who sweep us off our feet, take us for a dance as they question our knees. There should be no shame in getting in and out of a dance, a rhythm we were shaken to as we tried to stand. True love lets us take all the time we need, it does not leave us feeling guilty for not jumping off our feet. Neither does it pressure, it gives us space to find within us what we need. True love lets us breathe.   -to my friend, a gardener

Be real, your own captain and Zeus

So I haven´t written in a while and I do not know exactly why, as my brain has mostly been on rest as I am living a slow lifestyle (financially.. most of the week) while waiting for Brexit, hiding in the shadows. (can anyone relate ?) I guess I am waking up from a blurry mind caused by standstill. Anyway.. let´s crack a nut or two (or blow some wind in those sails.. as the image of that as a metaphor for what I am about to say popped in to my head.. be your own captain.. and Zeus) Be real when dating, even on that first date (or app). Friendship, kindness and shared values first. That is a fact. Once upon a time there was a young lady who was tired of the endless "so what do you do for a living and travel related questions" when all she wanted to know was whether a mismatched pair of socks would cause them; anger, embarrassment or laughter from within. She tried a question like this on those glorious apps.. went on dates and found out that there was no hope of future