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Showing posts from April, 2016


I`m sitting at a cafe in a small town as the end of this trip I made in a country where I`ve never been  before. I turned 25 this weekend and it has lead me to think about getting older, I mean I`m halfway to fifty and one quarter of my way to a 100 has now passed by (thanks grandma for pointing that out in the card..) but in a way thats a relief. I mean life has only started. But even though there is so much time ahead you start to think of the big ones, when does it all come together, when do you find them ? I mean 30 the ”you should have it all figured out” age is getting closer, And for a long time I thought that its the age of 27 that I will get married (dont ask why, it was just a number that sounded good to my ear..) but here I am, 2 years until that and Im sitting alone, went to sleep alone at my hostel, with this only roommate of mine, an older man in his 60s snoring more loudly than all the 7 dwarfs combined. Well, its not all that bad, no really, I had a fun weekend in A

Let go - take a breather (about meeting my anxiety)

I wanted to write this for all that anxiety that sometimes builds up inside, for those moments you start to feel the heaviness of that lump. Sometimes we cant handle it, we cant control it, it just comes, and I think you have to accept that too, it will come and go. You might feel that you have trouble getting up in the morning, But I found, that the more you stay in the dark, crawled up in those worrying thoughts, maybe accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, sadness, and.. sometimes.. maybe even anger, the worse you feel. I often then end up feeding myself, giving myself more things to worry about. It feels like tying yourself tighter and tighter with something so thick and (like walls so high) that you find it hard to see past it. But take a breather, theres a wonderful world behind that wall. Even a little cup of the and the ray of sun can help you see that, absorb. Ones you let yourself breathe, tears may fall, its the accepting feeling of releasing those bonds you tide yo

The Power of Girl Time

Happiness, Perspective, Laughter, There is nothing better then girl time when our head is doing overlaps for all those love troubles in our life or when were stressed about overreacting, feeling low. To have our girls around often has the power to remind us of what is truly important; Our own happiness, not giving up our days for things that cause else and that we are okey (no..wait amazing ;) ) just they way we are ! It is like getting our light-pulp ignited often with that extra clarity giving advice, knowing that were not the only one in those shoes, that empowers, opens up our hearts and minds and makes us realize things like;  - Lets not let those boys use us as doormats, We deserve the absolute best ! - And even in situations where they never meant too, (but how can we know ?!)  and were the ones over-analyzing it, [ stressing due to confusion, doing our own conclusions, worrying were the reason, feeling low and then worrying of seeming crazy in their eyes due to