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Showing posts from July, 2021

Stuck between what I know and what I`m feeling (part 1)

As you feel lonely (and 99 % of your surrounding suddenly seems to transform into babyville- a life you do not, if being honest to yourself, want... at least just yet) a distraction of the social kind as well as travel would do you good. But a pandemic stands in the way- blocking most of the entrances to a carefree single "born-again at 30" lifestyle. You want to get to know people- but events are not frequent and only seem to happen at random- if at all. You need time to get to know people, you need to get close and connect- and getting there fast at that one event usually doesn't cut it- and hugging strangers is probably considered a felony during these times.  So how do I get passed these lonely blues ? - I have too much time to feel, to much social media posts about joy an celebration, and too little distractions to take part in.  I know what I want, and what I don`t want. But what I want is in another box right now than I am- A box I can not reach- except sometimes-