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Showing posts from May, 2021

Some poems and thoughts

A life lived Its not about winning or being right, mistakes happen, and we fail at times Life is about living, and learning-  (despite the outcome) - their essence is printed in the journey So learn to laugh at yourself from the inside when its needed, let your gratefulness for life shine through and learn to apologies to yourself and others, be humble and unafraid to learn to do better- there are times that is needed too. Live and grow, wholeheartedly,  no fear for showing flaws perfectly imperfect that should be your most important cause.  - to my mother (and father) Tiny House of Wheels A cup of warm tea in my hands as the sun closes in on the rain. It smells of freedom to be living this way. Striped from material, with large windows, and a tiny yet open and cozy kitchen. A fireplace to warm my feet. A whisky barrel as my bathtub and a sauna to bring the heath. A fluffy bed with a window in the ceiling. Bookshelves along the walls. a sofa from where I can see the stars. A dinner tab