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Showing posts from September, 2015

Choose someone who will love you for all the knots in your hair

What to look for in that person ? That`s a subject I think about about a lot and often mention in someway in many of my posts. In my last post I wrote about how some men talk about women (and with that trying to say what not to look for/settle for), I've also mentioned it in my post honest embrace, with referring to Vanessa Carlton's song Home. I've  talked about how I've  leaned that you don't need make-up to look pretty, your smile and own inner well-being is all that really should matter, and this is also something that someone should agree with.    So, that said.. (and this might get a little wannabe poetic, and deep...but I don't care....)   .. Choose someone who will love you for who you are, who supports you, encourages you and hugs you often. Choose someone you can tell all your troubles too, and even if you didn't,   (because sometimes we don't want to share all our thoughts, fears and worries with someone else, we don

She`s a person (the objectifying behavior)

Over the past years I`ve been thinking a lot about how guys talk about girls and how they talk to them, what they say that they look for in a girl and so on. Some men (and of course women too) can be very superficial and also talk (in my opinion) somewhat degrading about the other gender... I`ve been in a Sauna as the only girl with a bunch of guys, and listening to them talk about us like.. well.. it wasn't nice to hear. To be honest it made me feel a bit sick. How can men, far past puberty, and in an age where you would think that they would start acting and thinking like grown ups, still talk about girl as.. well.. pieces of meat ? A girl is not just "good boobs and nice ass and long blond hair, or whatever haircolor,  or figure you desire " made me feel sick even writing that sentence... Its not my puzzle to solve, but I hope that they in time, whenever that is, learn to better ways and don't teach that way of talking to there own sons someday. How would the

Real life role models

I walked down the street today, not feeling my exactly prettiest.. my make-up was put on in a hurry and my hair had tangled up once again (it tends to do that a lot). As I thought about my clumsy appearance I remembered one of the best things my dad has ever taught me;  -The most beautiful make-up you could have is your smile. And I count to that a sense of inner happiness. To appreciate who you are, inside and out. My parents have taught me a lot, I don't know If they know it. But I look up to them. I may not always have, and in my teenage years I definitely didn't. But the years have opened up my eyes. My parents have taught me that friends matter, as I was younger we had all kinds of parties and get-togethers with our family friends.The parents and all their kids.We even travelled up north during the winter to ski, daytime hike, meet reeindeers, ride reeindeers ( yes we even got our drivers license :D ) and play boardgames like pictunary and make pancakes in the eve

I miss you, but please don`t show up yet

I'm laying here...I cant sleep. Sometimes I wish you were here. Where ever you are. I don't know if I already met you or if I'm still about to. How do I find you, and how do I know when I found you ? Sometimes I meet someone who seems nice and kind, just gives you " that feeling" you know ? And then, well, usually I get let down. So how am I supposed to trust again, not be afraid to see the good, trust in it, that its real and not just for show ? How do I know that what I found is good, and how do I find you ? I miss you. .. Yes.. I miss him, and maybe you shouldn't be allowed to say that, how can you really miss someone that you don't even know ?..Well, I don't know how you can say that, all I know is this feeling. That finally found you feeling, that feeling of safety, that feeling of knowing that this is the person you want to take your life's adventures with, that feeling that you don't have to say anything, you could just be. That feel

Talking in real life and that 6th sense

I wanted to write this for a friend, but even for those who appreciate real or have lost touch to it. I'm talking about having contact with people over the Internet, typing through whats app or all the ways people have to communicate with each other through technology. What happened to real? Get of your phones and do everything you can to actually spend time together. And yes, sometimes its the only way you can keep contact, and in a lot of cases I really really wish it wouldn't be. I like real. and typing to someone over the Internet.. that's not it. A smiling face of a small yellow man, no matter how happy he might look, just doesn't beat a real smile, and the true warmth that fill`s you up when you can feel them being happy. It`s like my friend J ( who also happens to be my life guru ;)  <3 ) said; when you meet someone or talk to someone over whats app, It`s like you lose your 6th sense. What that means is that You cant really express yourself and be you,

My Colours (a poem and self reminder about who I am)

Its far behind now, but some days still so close. For a long time I lost myself. I forget her, who she was. I'm a girl who loves colours and they will always stay, because no matter how dark it may seem, you can always find your way. I love turquoise and I like the freedom of rain. So don't wonder if you see me smiling though I'm soaked up and and got no time to change.  I pick small stones whenever I feel safe and keep them in my pocket so that I can feel them when I need to be brave. They calm me down and remind me that I'm all okey. The stones are not the only things that help me on my way, I have several things that I hold on to and would never put away. On my ankle I have turquoise turtle bracelet that I've worn since that Asian adventure last year,  every time I look at it, it reminds me that I'm here. The yellow vagabond ballerina shoes I wore, should probably need to be tossed way, by they will never, they are here to stay. They were with me all t

I believe in love

I believe in love, because I refuse not to. Some of us believe in it and others have chosen to protect themselves by no longer believing, and we all have our own ways to deal with our past, ways to be able to live on. I chose however that day to always believe, I made a promise, a promise that I will keep for a lifetime. I believe in love, no matter how much it sometimes hurts. I believe in love even if I would never find it. I believe in love even though I'm scared. I believe in love because I deserve to. c. I believe in love because it`s all around. I believe in love because a life where love is told to be just an illusion, hurts more than wonderfully foolishly and hopelessly believing in it. I believe in love because no matter how many mistakes you make, you can always get yourself back up again. I believe in love because I would regret it for the rest of my life if I ever stopped.  

Old soul (dating when you grew up fast but feel like you need a few slow chapters)

Sometimes I feel old, old like 40 at 24 . I guess it`s all that energy I gave away, I'm tired, but want more then anything to live again, not necessarily smart (seriously sometimes I doubt my IQ when I can`t seem to open a door :D ) but maybe somewhat wise, or wiser then before. I don`t do (as many) stupid things, I listen to my gut when I feel that something is or might go wrong, I can leave a party early or drink less without feeling bad about being the "boring one ". I like to go on long walks with a friend, drink tea while sitting by the window, and I save money for travelling to new places, the rest gets saved for the future.  I guess Ive grown up. At the same time I sometimes miss the feeling that I`ve never had, of beeing more care free,  I also sometimes wish that I`d be able to let go and live life like it never happened. But you live, and I chose to continuesly try to learn from it. Trying to meet men when feeling like an old soul, is`nt easy. Even thou