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Showing posts from April, 2022

When the world is upside down

 I wasn't really sure on what to write about, and my head has been quite empty lately but I have decided to give it a go.  I feel bad for feeling good about things right now, yet the upside down state of our current world; ..such as  (...upper management violations against bottom bunk employee rights*, nationwide strikes in the social and healthcare sector (my previous field) due to staff mistreatment, surrounding mental instability and depression leaking in from so many corners, war, climate, internet trolls, closet chauvinists, world hunger, media, propaganda, feeling guilty of probably not caring enough, nuclear threats, higher costs and increasing income gaps..and loneliness and the guiltiness of feeling bad/sad about my loneliness when mother earth is wounded and there is so much bigger reasons for suffering in this world)... driving me over the brink, I have to find something good, I have to allow myself to feel good, happy, even neutral, content (even when I really shou