Sometimes we can not handle it, we can not control it, it just comes, and I think you have to accept that too, it will come and go. You might feel that you have trouble getting up in the morning, but I found, that the more you stay in the dark, crawled up in those worrying thoughts, maybe accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, sadness, and.. sometimes.. maybe even anger, the worse you feel. I often then end up feeding myself with triggering intrusive thoughts, giving myself more things to worry about. It feels like tying yourself tighter and tighter with something so thick and (like walls so high) that you find it hard to see past it.
But take a breather, there is a wonderful world behind that wall.
Even a little cup of tea and the ray of sun can help you see that, absorb.
Once you let yourself breathe, tears may fall, it is the accepting feeling of releasing those bonds you tide yourself in. To both accept that sometimes tying yourself tighter is something you tend to do, but how thankful you are that you can be there, for you.
It like a hug, but instead of holding you in its grip it gives you space to breathe.
And when you get out there, tell yourself what you see, because love is all around, take it in and you will once again feel free.
Love, The Girl who just took a breather
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