When a nature or man caused catastrophe hits on your holiday, a privilege you received by being a western, paying so little for what they produce that their houses fly, sink or drift away- do you complain about the exclusive boat-trip being cancelled or hotel being changed, or do you see the real loss that the locals now face ? Do you volunteer to hand out food, build shelter from the rain, reunite lost children with their mothers- or do you complain about the hotel change and then simply fly away. At least the All Inclusive was still in place, and soon you are back home- telling you friends how the holiday went ok, you tell them to be careful when booking a trip, it could get cancelled, so do not pay in advance, you could lose your money, and that would be too bad. Then you continue to tell about the drinks by the pool you settled to have. In the meantime those families are fighting to rebuild their lives, the guide for your cancelled boat-trip just lost his wife and child,...
From that moment on I Roar in the Afterglow. This is a blog about life and learning from it, love, positive thinking, self- worth, the small things, facing your emotions and that it´s ok to not always be ok. - Not forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor. I hope that this blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.