How it all comes back to my mind once I meet someone. The reminder, the flashbacks, the worry, it is not him in particular, but it is the fear. The fear that there at some point will be a one eighty turn in their ways, that you do not know what awaits around the corner, but the thing is you will never know if you let that fear take over. Fear can give you guidance, it can warn you, but do not let it control you. And no matter how hopeless it may seem, that we are always let down when we just given it one more go, do not worry, there are good things out there, Even in my own state of slight constant doubt and worry, I believe. Non of us should ever stop doing that. I have learned the hard way to be aware of what is around me, where I am and where I am heading. Time gives trust and too soon pushes get me to start backing. So do not worry (especially mom), I have lost my blue eyes and now I see my surroundings with my own, but with the backpack with all the lessons I have learned to ...
From that moment on I Roar in the Afterglow. This is a blog about life and learning from it, love, positive thinking, self- worth, the small things, facing your emotions and that it´s ok to not always be ok. - Not forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor. I hope that this blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.