"Wonder what he is doing? Should I text him.... ? No, not now, I should let him be, give him space, he will just find it annoying...but maybe... agghh, if I still think in a few hours that I should, then I can, .. What would N or A do ? Dear mighty why am I so weird about these things... Okey If I just... Oh god, No I said something Stupid right ?.. great...and no reply... that is it then. wonder what he will think of me now.. Oh dear.." Yeah, the obsessive circle, we think about them, we worry that we are forgettable (well I used to), that if we somehow do not keep in touch we get forgotten, and the worst; our obsession thinking about what we said, what he said, what we said and might have been understood the wrong way, scared that we scare them away be writing one too many, wanting to "Fix Things" by explaining them and then worry about the fact that we were over-explaining. Oh.. and not forget about that blue mark on your Whatsapp conversation..saying that ...
From that moment on I Roar in the Afterglow. This is a blog about life and learning from it, love, positive thinking, self- worth, the small things, facing your emotions and that it´s ok to not always be ok. - Not forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor. I hope that this blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.