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Something more than climbing the ladder; A profession and work format that matches your energy, brings out your strength, but is kind to your sensitivities

How are you feeling ? What gives you that feeling? What pulls you under and what brings you down ? And in comparison what is it in your environment that lets you stay with your feet on the ground ? What is it that makes you crumble, makes you anxious, tired and disoriented everyday, is it something in your work-life; that 8 hours and aftermath that you bring home each day ? If a big part of your life effects you deeply on a negative level it might be time for a change.

For a long time I have searched myself- and always thought that for a for-filling life it is a successful career that counts, a title, a degree- the way it looks on LinkedIn or what other people- especially those who thought they knew me- think and see;

 "- I did not know she had that in her- but look at her now" 
"- Wow- she really made something of herself- she is climbing that ladder higher than I thought".

But this searching process and finding oneself is really-truly about something else, it is finding our traits and energy and voice within us and matching it with all else. Just as you as a highly sensitive/anxious person should not settle in a big city if the chaos and noise drive you mad, do not live your life (or work) where you are bound to be sad. Try to find a life and career that matches your energy as soon as you can. 

I know it is easier said that done, I lived in London for almost 3 years now- and wherever you go- chaos will drum. there are people, traffic, gas, bright lights, competition, unforgiving pace and unfinished tasks. It never ends- its a ruthless game- even healthcare and charities are dancing the same. Faster and efficient- better then the rest. Yet staffs well-being is put to the test. No- or little- tools to support you on the way- just proof that you are better or at least the same. If you can, do break yourself free, life is not meant to kick you with its knee.

But I did not come here to write about London- or any particular town or place, just the importance of matching your energy and pace. It took many years for me to figure this out- that happiness is the career move that many of us forget about. 

And yes it is true, some of us are not affected the same, some of us out there can head on- with nothing getting in their way. But if you are like me and get stressed by things that others may not seem to see- make a list, map out what these things might be. Find balance (or if possible clear out the bad) to keep your energy. 

Your well-being makes you better at what you do, so why not listen to your energy and choose something (a way of life and profession/work space/schedule) that fits you? It all effects other aspects your life, whether we choose to live to work- or work to live a life- everything for a sensitive person is intertwined.
Live your life according to your needs, but also remember that work (and making a salary) is a part of that wheel. Filter out negatives and know your needs. Find or create an environment that makes you a good employee. Know the environment that brings out the best that you can be.
When looking for work/planning a career change or analyzing whether you are in need of a change;   

1. Map your stressors;

My own example; crowds, constant noise, big open offices, no break-room, bad air, gloomy office, toxic people, constant long hours, little sleep/night-work, no or little time for lunch-break as well as strict routine or no variation. No routine or physical work place (I still need my base-point), too much responsibility without support, lack of training, too many heads to look after and constantly knowing that you are not able to fill the needs/demands as one person (an unfortunate reality in care work), having to take blame for life effecting mistakes- constant emotional guilt, working for a company that seems to cause more harm than good. 


2. Map sources of of energy and joy;

My own example: noise-buffers or a smaller office/less people, silent work space, time to notice peoples joy and gestures of kindness, proper cozy break-space, flexibility in where to complete work, nature, light, good indoor air, A supportive environment, flexibility in schedule/hours per day, daytime hours (where possible), proper lunch break with good food options around, clear guidelines (less anxiety/worry of mistakes), manageable workload and tasks, proper tools/systems/amount of staff that match the work that is expected, ongoing supportive and inspirational training, Work with a company that has a good purpose, Allows me to be creative.

Now we all know that the truth is that most jobs today do not for-fill this list entirely. Most available options are often busy- competitive, stretched to the edge or unpaid. 

I googled careers for highly sensitive/anxious people and looked at different discussion forums. The options pointed to the following: artist, self-employed, therapist or private investigator. And No.... not all of us can be Banksy, Sherlock Holmes or Ed Sheeran, freelance in the arts is a big risk to take, and a paid private investigator is more likely a fiction based character found on Netflix or on stage. Therapy requires listening skills, a true presence- a path that only few of us can take. On top of this there is always the risk of emotional burn-out. We are effected and carry our environment long into the day; think twice, your energy is just as important, do not let a career take that away. 

So what to do- a future melt-down is present in your mind just scrolling the adds. Do I fit into this world as I am ? It is a hard nut to crack, I give you that- but once you have found the loop-holes and paths- look at how your well-being stays on its track. 

It could be that you function like me, that variation is not only for-filling but builds towards more certainty.  Two part-time jobs that are different (variation) and that both tick the boxes for at least some of your needs. One could be uncertain (arts, self-employed) and the other for the bills. If one of them ends you always have a plan. And two different skill-sets makes you flexible to take on a new path. 

We are all different, remember that

I stopped measuring my career with others, I only check how happy I am. 

Sometimes you might have to make compromises, we can seldom have it all. But even then, more energizers than stressors could change it all.
Become the best version of you this way- and then look for jobs that embrace your flame. 
Filter out anything that simply does not fit- and search out the positive in those jobs that might click.

Happiness is a strange thing after all, It is not always so much what you do, but how and with whom. If I work at a cafe or organize data for sold kitchen towels in a happy and supportive atmosphere, I might be happier than in an over run office with toxic colleagues even though our purpose might be something that originally drew me there. 

Did you notice something ? Not once did I mention title, fame or the big ladder corporate impressions that I could focus on trying to make. The big bucks and luxury are not the same. My well-being and self worth is where I strive to climb. As long as I can have a home, travel and save some for the future- that is all the money I will need to live my life. 

- It is my true happiness that tells me I made something out of myself.

ps. for more on career read While Looking for a Frame


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