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This Nightmare (a global pandemic)

I woke up from a nightmare- the world was falling, borders where closing, a pandemic had risen, and my partner was stuck on the other side. The Atlantic Ocean is a big divide. We were supposed to build a future after 6 months apart, but this would have to wait until it was safe- until we could be reunited without restrains.

As I opened my eyes and looked at the news, it all came running back to me, this pandemic was running free- with humanity trying to stop it from spreading rapidly. Outside there was a sunny Sunday and the birds where singing peacefully.

Death is not a current number in the country that we hide, but it is set before us with living examples, it is just a question of time.

Okey- so now I will change the tone, I am getting scared just here on my own. We are all in this together- not alone, so lets work together and let it show. 

I wonder "Do I have it Do I have it" every hour of the day- keeping track of any relatable symptom and hoping there will be a mandatory test on its way. So far this country is relaying on that sick people stay away. But my breathing got heavy just the other day, then my hearth threw a beat-box and I panicked straight away- I called my work medical hotline in the middle of the night- told them my symptoms and they said I was fine, - 'but just in case of hearth-problems reach out to the public hospital, alright ?'  So I did- and they said I sound just fine, but recommended an EKG (hearth-rhythm) scan to be taken the next day or that same night. I went in the following morning- to those hospitals we have been told to avoid- had a scan and checked my lungs for breathing- all tests came out fine.

I was told it was panic and should stop to follow the news for a while, I was sent on my way with no sickness leave in mind, I take the tube and wash my hands, feel guilty for "what if " all the time. But I have to keep going I guess- until I cough, get a fever or am simply told otherwise.
This virus will catch us all in no time. Let us just hope that most of us survive. The medical staff should receive all the funding (here in the north we can make a pact to live on less) and anyone who is tested virus free or now considered immune could help- and how about medical students and immigrants with medical degrees- lets get everyone on board please.

Do not visit grandma- she needs more oxygen to breathe. Leave her alone, for 2 weeks at least.

But besides the virus medical impact, what else can we do ? As people stay at home they might not have enough food- we can gather our strengths, help to deliver essentials to the door- and maybe a present (like a good book, a game or some sweets) for those long days behind doors. This is where the small local businesses come in- help them get through this virus inflicted recession that is already closing in. Help them stand on their feet with head above water- keep jobs alive and the tax money coming in- keeping the economy afloat will have a bigger impact that you might think. Consider it a much needed donation for the society we want to keep living in. Yes I know, what about personal savings ?- I too was saving for my future ahead, but there is no future if society is dead. So I will spend small sums here and there, (their gift-cards for future use can be bought online if you simply can not make it there)- without forgetting the rest of the world that is out there somewhere- still focus your finances on companies that do good. And help out wherever you can- like you always should.
Let us not forget each-other, make this new society a team of hearts that could.

If you still decide to travel and take that non-cancelled trip you booked, please do the same, do what you can with your tourist position- even if it is only one cafe. I am sure it helps in some way.

Pause, breathe (if you can), and be smart on whichever moves you have planned, isolate if needed and the world will live tomorrow still, stay safe, love your neighbor and think hopefully ahead. I know this is all scary and far bigger than we can comprehend- but remember that as we stand still the pollution we caused on mother earth is disappearing- maybe after this, we all get a new beginning. 

and do not hoard on toilet paper- please, do not be silly.   


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