Lately I have been thinking about how the fear of "it being awkward" can keep us from fully living, making new friends and following our hearts true desire. People often ask me how I dare to travel alone and live in hostels; Is it not it awkward to be alone- and what about when there are groups of friends and you are the only one "alone", or what about if you approach them and they do not catch on... ?
First of all hostels (as my first example) are social (usually), and in most instances you are not the only one travelling alone- and if you are afraid of the awkwardness that comes with the first approach, that is only a natural part of it- and it is awkward and scary the first times, you are after all suddenly sleeping and "living" in the same room and sometimes bed with around 5-10 strangers of all ages and from all over the world - but the more social the hostel and the more "alumni of solo travel" your new dorm-mates are, the more natural and straight forward the first interactions become- usually before you know it you are spending the eve and next day exploring the surroundings together. And f not- embrace that you had the guts to try (if you felt like it) and be happy for your own (awesome) company.
For years now most of my longtime friends have been busy with their kids, lived away from the city or simply not had the same interests as me- I could have stayed at home, gone to the gym with headphones on, and avoided trying anything based on any inner dreams, desires and curiosity due to "I can`t go alone- what if it`s awkward". Again- Yes, showing up alone at a new dance-class, painting workshop or any other thing where small-talk, looks and pair-work might happen is often awkward- especially when in a country like mine where most natives are socially embarrassed before they even entered a room. But You, live fully and walk in anyway- let the natural awkwardness sit on your shoulder, it is there with all of us- but it will only last a while. laughter in this shared feeling will often lift that aside.
In addition to the creative bits and adventures you wish to enter- embrace all aspects of life with curiosity- be brave; Talk openly to that person you like and keep avoiding, or to that friend you are avoiding due to a mistake you made - sometimes passing the initial awkwardness leads to clarity, sometimes laughter, understanding and most importantly something real. Do not let the fear of awkward silence or embarrassment keep you from telling the world (or them) how you feel.
Embrace the Awkward- it (awkwardness) is a part of getting out there- and of truly daring to be here.
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