We have all heard the expression To Find Your Other Half, the person who will complete you. That You will fall in love and become as One... But where the heck does this idea of being each other halves come from ? Should we not focus on becoming complete, and as strong individuals as we can be, before we decide to share ourselves with someone else ? Do we need someone else to be our other half ? Our Better half ? Can I not be my best whole and then find another whole to share my best whole with ? I used to think that way, that I need someone else to complete me, to make me whole, but what I have learned over the past few years is that you should focus on completing yourself as one whole, and as you own up to this way of thinking, someday, people who are good for you (and perhaps that special someone) will find you. You should always remember to focus on someone who wants you whole. And the same goes for that someone, you should focus on finding someone who is whole, ab...
From that moment on I Roar in the Afterglow. This is a blog about life and learning from it, love, positive thinking, self- worth, the small things, facing your emotions and that it´s ok to not always be ok. - Not forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor. I hope that this blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.