Ever been in a situation where you gave all of your energy and ended up losing
yourself and your belief in your own self-worth? Ever been through
that emotional rush, when you, despite the fear of being to much of
a wreck for someone else to love (ever) make that life changing
decision to finally say "NO, No more. Life is beautiful. I
deserve better than this ! " ?
I have; After
four years of riding the roller coaster of an emotionally abusive
relationship, that started when I was 17, I have had enough. My knees
where shaking, But I stood up. And every day, no matter what I am going through, I am thankful for that what felt like a fight for my
last gasp of air, but what turned to a roar for life, love and
everything that makes the world beautiful.
From that moment on
I Roar in the Afterglow.
This is a blog about
life and learning from it, love, dating, single life and the things
in a relationship that matter the most, positive thinking, always
remembering your self-worth, being your own best friend, the small
beautiful things in life, facing your emotions and that
it´s ok to not always be ok.
it´s ok to not always be ok.
- Without ever
forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor.
I hope that this
blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day that might feel
bad, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.
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