No, this is not a post about growing up in the wilderness that is the countryside, with the sea bashing to the rocks or wind flying through fields and forest.
This is about us, the single girls, out here in the wild, learning to navigate through the dates, the games, the guys mind and ways, sometimes trembling, falling only to get back up again and stiffen our legs on the ground we stand on. This is about the heartbreaks we had, lessons we learned, lessons we learned a bit too much to now make us a bit " too understanding ", "too cool" and with our shields held "too high", this is about the bravery of then lowering that shield, of realizing that we did it too soon, of dealing with that aftermath only to raise our shields once again.
It is about sensing the masterminds that play, keeping our dignity and not staying as prey.
It is about those times we truly believe that what we sense in you is real, sticking around only to be met by runaway fear. It is about knowing how you must feel on the other side of the wall, giving you space, but at the same time worry of losing you, now and for all, will we ever again see you, or are you simply gone ?
This is about getting it, feeling it, maturing on the way, growing stronger for that day that right person passes our way. Yes we wish we did not have to go through all this bloody jungle all day. But you can not get to the treasure unless your willing to read some maps, get lost, solve riddles open caves, find them empty and then start again. Sometimes an occasional attempt to go bushman aka without following the trail could give you some insight to help you on your way.
This is about realizing how much we have grown, for you to see all that you hardly ever give us time to show. For all those moments in a relationship that we would stay strong, sometimes you need a shoulder, trust me, we know. For those times that our potential children would be sad, worried or even mad, how we could help them see their strength, find resilience and to get on the good side of the bad. For the teenage years that come so fast, we will be there to listen, we know what it feels like when nothing seems to go as planned.
Life is not easy, there are so many turns, But the more we travel the more we learn. We may be spitting out twigs at the end of the trail, but through this Strength and Humbleness are lessons that prevail.
See these strong women ? We are the ones who sometimes might slip and fall, but we get back up and out there, life is a mess after all.
And if all the attempts to finding that love fails, if they never pass our way, look at it this way, at least we will be a wise old lady someday.
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