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The last few weeks and a little bit ahead

Hey, Its been a while. I've been very busy lately and simply haven't had the full open evening to sit down and write, and thats the thing with me, If I cant write without a rush to finish, I simply wont take the creative path.. it just not the same.

Right now (after weeks) I do however have the time (finally), just not that flow Im afraid (a certain mood is needed when tackling a deeper topic that lays on my mind. But sometimes I just want to write, just for the fun of it. or because I missed it.. Anyway. I thought of writing a little bit about what I`ve been up to lately. That might always be an interesting side note- as I rarely mention my day to day life, as it is, right now- out on no adventure (other than the one life offers of course).

So, first of all- I started my new job in book publishing (where I got in thanks to something I would refer to as a mixture of a lot of hard work and some lucky "how could this possibly have happened" strokes). After much emailing... and I mean over a 100 publishing houses asking if they would have an internhip and I could work for them for free, calculating the months I had to wait to get through the que to get to work for free, and after calculating how I would live life for 6 months with a full-time unpaid job and some pub work.. and sleep during and 70 hour work week.. I got a magical (yes thats how it now feels) twitter response, some CV guidance over a coffee offered by this ferry godmother and some insights and an extra pair of eyes out to the industry and its people,..
..... one week later a get an interview. It turned out to be the same company that produces the scandinavian cooking book in our kitchen (If you didnt know; Im a Scand/Nordic) and in addition to that they (well now We) publish several titles on mindfulness, humour and simple well-being. A week later from that I got the job.

Now I've been working, as an paid entry leveler within export sales for a month. Learning new publishing terms at the speed of light (okey actually more like a steady bike ride up a slightly hilly road, with occasional bumps.) Coordinating sales and production and warehouse queries, creating colorful newsletters of our latest books, putting together and sending packages to NZ, Middlesex (an area in UK btw, just in case..), Denmark and India (and more). Making mock-ups for showcases and client meetings (yes my job by my office desk and MAC computer includes Scissors, Indesign and glue and many cups of tea) as well as preparing for International book fairs.

Things can really happen, out of nowhere.

 For someone sitting in the same kind of boat, hoping that it will take you to the right direction, All I can say is;
1.  keep twittering
2. (even if you never did) once you land on something, either through hard work or a remarkable coincidence, be happy. And when it feels like genie wishes where being granted- listen to their call, you finally landed on your path you where supposed to land on, believe in it (a thought for when things sometimes feel hard or uncertain or scary.. Or even when you start to look at other areas of your life, thinking of how you dont have it all.. and no.. you probably dont..but thats okey- because you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. the piece came at this time for a reason). This helps me sometimes.

It will all work out, trust life.. even if it is from slightly magically wonderous  perspectives.

And on completely other notes, my friend from back home is coming to stay over next week, Shes doing her Eat Pray Love journey through the UK for a month. As someone who has been on that adventure (with the pit-stops on my own) I can say that I am excited and proud. She deserves this experience of exploring the unknown. A new start and a charged battery.

Two of my dear flatmates (and the couple I look up to and that inspire me to wait for when its right) are moving onward to their new home, so Im preparing a tropical Pancake feast-we all need some energy for the dark months and blue Mondays- as well as the fact that we need to raise a last glass for the crew in this ship (they lived here for 5 years !).

Today I visited the Tove Jansson Exhibition in Dulwich, after a failed attempt 2 weeks ago (sold out). I finally got to immerse deeper into the wonder and work of my favourite childhood author, and yet until this day- role model. The fact that I then spent about 2 hours on different buses heading home, stuck in the rain, hadnt eaten, felt dizzy got nuts and raisins (because jet another flavour journey of Tescos 3 pound sandwich Meal Deal would have been way too exciting for by tired brain... haha..) had greasy hair (again) and visited Waterstones on nut infused fuel, just might not be that "She lives in London- exciting", but Hey- being here is normal life too, and all aspects of your life arent (and arent supposed to be ) instagramable.

Tomorrow (or Today.. just realised that its past midnight..) Im visiting my friend in Richmond, seeing the park, deer, and her family (including furry members). Oh- and my improv comedy group practice started again- to have a place where you can play air guitar as a tyrannosaurus rex or be 25 % snake and 30 % ghost without any judgement (more so on call), is definitely something everyone in this stuck up world should have access too. Let loose.

I got to work my entire pub shift (where I still work a few nights a week) listening to several performances of fantastic upbeat soul kind of music (Look up James McFadden & Ebony Buckle).
Bollywood Dance has made a comeback in my life as well, as its far easier now to make it to dance class after work (1,5 hours of bus riding changed to a 20 minute stroll to Covent Garden), and I found out that Lidl sells basically fresh mackerel (tastes like a mix of the perch from dads smoke box out on the island and the memories of the fishermans cupboard out on my adventure in St Ives).

And so, right now,  I get back to thinking of how I sometimes worry that my personal life is a bit boring (hah.. just realized how stupid that sounded), but I mean.. I am sitting here, all night, alone, writing. On a Saturday night. and yes maybe it isnt all full blown action, and maybe I should be out raving the streets with a drink in my hand exchanged to night food after hours, and possibly an actually unwanted phone number richer. But No. Sometimes I miss it, sure- like Im afraid that I`ll miss out on something.. and the worst. what if people think I gone boring ? But most of the time, No. And dont get me wrong- I do miss a girls night out (the idea of it) but honestly- the Out part these days isn't all what its cracked up to be. I rather put most of my energy somewhere else. And I do have a plan (a travel plan in addition to all the other travel plans). Im planning a little solo trip to Greece, the sun, mythology and a little sprinkle of Mamma Mia. Recharge and get back to my roots (that is- to put on my metaphorical solo travelling boots). If you constantly feel lonely you need to get back to you, learn to be happy on your own in your shoes.

Anyway, now I feel like I babbled on for ages (this has appeared to be that kind of flow). In the next few weeks I will write something about love (I have a never ending list), social responsibility to interfere, the different thoughts and struggles when doing creative things publicly and how to combat them, here I could mention that I just started I youtube channel and I have no idea what Im doing (writing is my thing) and often feel anxious or judgmental afterwards but decided to keep going- will include those thoughts in that post too. I also wanted to write something about being a pensioner and growing old, the goals of the lime and soda. As well as on the feeling of not having it all (when 1+1= 0 because the 3rd addition wasn't there).

But for now, Im heading to bed (or just waking up), either way, hope you have a good nights sleep and a most magnificent Sunday.

I´ll write again soon.



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