Naked bodies. Thank god for those. And No, I am not talking about a surgically enhanced cover of a magazine. Or any add for any make-up or wrinkle cream.. something to to tuck things in, straighten out a wrinkle, a stretch mark. you name it. I am talking about bodies, Real Bodies. Life. A few weeks ago my good friend mentioned to me about how thankful she is, and how lucky we are as Finns, to have grown up with nudity, saunas and PE- classes at the local pool- with changing rooms for all the generations. To from the age of 8 get to see breast thrown up over a shoulder, big granny pants, shower caps and hair in places that Cosmopolitan would not dare to mention it in its newest section on smooth summer skin. That is being lucky. So damn lucky. We know what real women look like. A body changes with life. Without that change the one inside it would not have fully lived. To see the determined face as she enters the pool. A wrinkled laughter, all parts sagging- slightly loose. She f...
From that moment on I Roar in the Afterglow. This is a blog about life and learning from it, love, positive thinking, self- worth, the small things, facing your emotions and that it´s ok to not always be ok. - Not forgetting a sprinkle of hope and humor. I hope that this blog will put a smile on a face, lighten up a day, or even empower someone who is fighting their own battle.