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Life observations

This is a bit of a different one; I decided to make a list of observations I made here in my little London life the past month.
- Here on Stroud Green Road, Next to the Big Yellow car-wash  there was an injured pigeon walking the street, a cat was chasing it. The bird could not fly and had no chance, a man came and picked up the pigeon and moved him to a safe location, my faith in humanity was restored.
- I explained to the firealarm, (as it went off) not to worry- it was only burned toast.
- If you observe me you will find that I always apologies to furniture I bump into. As I hit my toe I will most likely say something along these lines; "I'm sorry.. Auu.. &%#?, Auu.. And then I laugh or cry depending on the damage. I wonder how I would react if the door suddenly replied with a British politeness,
- I'm starting to realise I'm a little bit of Ted Mosby, Bridget Jones and the Foxes that scream outside my window at night, they never give up on whatever their fighting for.
- In English I say "like" alot, and I don't like that.
- The geeky guy at the improv show doing stand-up comedy about his sad single life was kind of cute. It was nice to gather up with my improv class friends again, this time to watch others.
- Costumers at the pub who bring their empty plates to the kitchen door, even though it is my job to clean up, it warms the heart to serve people who know and have a heart for us working in hospitality.
- Community feel in this neighborhood of mine, Crouch end is golden <3
- That I'm sometimes very shy and awkward even around people that make me smile, making new friends in a new town and foreign language is always a bit scary, Even for someone who just goes for it knows that. But getting to be apart of all this- is and will always be- Worth It !
- Don't open up the dust collector of your vacuum cleaner while its on, you end up with a graveyard in your bedroom. Best wishes, someone with resent experience.
- Police officers in London are still a bit like in the old movies (there was an incident two blocks away with 25 of them on the street) and don't worry it wasn't that bad.. more like a day when not much else was going on. I'm pretty sure they carried those wooden baseball things.
- I keep collecting colorful summer dresses from charity shops with that future someone and garden parties on my mind. I'm still without him and have yet to take part in a classical *event. But the collecting hasn't stopped, so I guess I'm a believer.
- The man who sorts the veggies at the Tesco Fresh Section will give you date night advice. Thank you dear stranger.
- I get awfully cranky and emotional when on my period. If I`ve ever said anything different I lied. I'm a mess and I cry a river... and eat way to much dairy.. I'm lactose intolerant. But Cheesecake.
- The time at the pub when we all stood next to the bar fridge and the door fell down. I applauded.
- A man with an umbrella as a hat inviting by walkers for a free game of chess, Shoreditch.
- I had a 2 hour chat with a girlfriend about life mess over a can of Dalston Cola in the lobby of an indepentent movie theater. A pigeon (yes there's more than one here) flew in and a man climbed up to the sealing to capture and release the frightened fellow. He is my new hero.
- Chicken Nuggets Fuck Off (said a big mural of s street art with a dude holding a smoke)
- Wherever I turn my head here there seems to be Finnish people. Especially the bus, Underground, Tiger of Copenhagen and a few bars in Brighton.
- I'm good at backing cinnamon buns
- I landed my dream internship in publishing before even 1 year of since this career change entered my mind had passed. Will work with translation licenses for scandinavian literary fiction for 6 weeks, in Helsinki (+ Sea, Friends, an epic bachlorette party and a wedding (* first time dress nr. 1 sees the sunshine, after 2 years from buying to not had an occasion of wearing it- I even took the chance to get it altered)
- Girltalks with the ones that support you through every stupid or less stupid are the best cure and floating device.
- Banana-flies like wine mixed with indian tonic water. Its on the coffe-table next to me.
- Do the bloody Cervical Screening. It is your right, for your health, and for that reminder text to stop popping up on your phone every month. You can do it <3 !
- there's this blue tulip dress that looks like a canvas painting that I really want to get. The money goes to my local homeless shelter.
- Last night I dreamed that I had a bun in the oven, It was a cinnamon bun.
I guess this tells me that I eat to much gluten.
It was in my tummy.
- I will continue this list soon.


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