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Showing posts from October, 2018


You know the uncomfortable feeling you get each time you hear the soundtrack (or That beat) from the cult classic Jaws ? What would it be like if that feeling effected your sensors physically (and you felt the tunes and beat like a deep drum) and then that heaviness got stuck on repeat for a while.. a few hours ? Or maybe went away only to return as soon as the bus drove a bit to close to the curve and heavily hit its backside against the concrete with barely no sound ?  And as the heaviness hit you and all your sensors where overloading (lump in your throat, rope around your heart- pulling and releasing, heatwaves) you would have needed a quiet space- a neutral blank page to calm the engines down- gather yourself, but instead you are faced with crowds, the bus, grocery shop, the world does not stop turning.  There are many different things that a Highly Sensitive Person (about 15 % of the population) can find as their cryptonite..or in less Marvel words- stressors. There ar...

Why I don´t slam doors (and my own wellbeing)

I wanted to write about why I "even waste one thought one these complicated human relations", why do I put so much energy into it, why do I care ? I have several friends who do not waste a second thought on complications, confusion or resolvement. They simply walk away and save their energy. But I have never been capable of doing that, although do not get me wrong- I can walk away without a second thought from bad first and second dates or those Russian Rulett App- conversations. But as soon as we share about are past, fears, hopes and talk with open hearts (and I will ask for deeper, otherwise there is no going forward in the relationship, date or friend) I start to connect.  Anyone who has ever heard of the term Empath or HSP can understand or relate. I believe, after much self search and understanding that I belong in that category. Although I have to say I do not like that word- Empath, it just sounds very "perfect and higher ground" to me. Empaths can m...