Dear men and boys out there, who took the courage to say I will, it is wonderful that you want to show us what examples you will be. And those few of you who said you have, thank you for your honesty- it is heartwarming to see that you now have grown, so that whenever we are around you we can feel safe, respected and free.
I know it is not all, but I believe there are some, who search for applause and appraisal for what they now have become.
That you now realized something that was there all along
it was there in the looks, attitudes, song and talks, you just did not do anything about it that is all.
For something that should have been a given, you now choose to see the truth.
to look it straight in the eye, and remind yourself that this person will not be you.
And yes you are wonderful lads, and I wish more than anything that your example will lay down a path, so that even those still in denial can pick up their act.
But I will not say thank you, as that would be like giving a balloon to a child for no longer bullying the weaker one or standing by. What would that balloon feel like for the invisible child ?
(the metaphor is quite out there, I just wanted to reach to the emotions, most of us have experienced bullying after all)
I will not say thank you- but Finally, finally we choose to see and listen to everything there is to say.
I am thankful that perhaps now some day, there would be an end to being treated the same "that is just how it is sometimes" way.
But I will not say Thank you- for you are not a hero in this play. You are simply a man taking responsibility for the games you used to watch or play.
I should not have had to say #metoo for you to say #Ihave or #Iwill in the first place.
But dear men and boys out there- I am thankful for this change.
I should not have had to say #metoo for you to say #Ihave or #Iwill in the first place.
But dear men and boys out there- I am thankful for this change.
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