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Inspiration for an unconventional life (while being stuck in a panDamit)

I am longing for the unconventional. The out of the box, the unknown. Life is too short, the world is too remarkable and you are too precious to confide to a life of 'stay put because what if in 20 years..' I choose to turn around the worry this way.. if your heart desires to explore.. what will you be able to tell it 20 years from now ? 

I follow my late grandpas footsteps, a forever explorer (adventurer, project worker, priest and sailor). I also have plenty of globally minded family friends as reference, who work with everything from garbage collection/truck driving, nursing, flight attendant, sailor, teaching, NGO peace-projects to being an ambassador, and an ever adventuring godfather who has sailed around the world a few times, chooses to rent, owns a cottage and is about to row the Atlantic ocean. There are many ways to build an international lifestyle. You can live your life "3 years here, 3 years there" or something of a more mixed divide, this especially if you as a couple juggle with two home-countries. You can rent out your house and travel for a year. You can live on a sailing boat (if you know how to sail). You can live months apart in order to let the your partner for-fill their dream that is elsewhere then where you are currently residing. Anything is possible, and you can put together your puzzle pieces. 

So, first of all pandemic; lockdown, border close and the uncertain job-market, does not leave you much wiggle room does it. But until it is resolved, stay where you are. Focus on self-growth and anything you can do where you are right now. And know that one day you can 'be free' again.

So what is my current future plan- is there one ?

I want to use the next 10 years to further my knowledge in bookselling, and literature over all. I am possibly signing up to a 13 month professional course, both out of interest but also because I might as well make some use out of this time when staying put is the only option. I am also in touch with a local literary agent who is looking for occasional assistance once funding becomes available. I am starting my therapy journey to research my anxiety disorder and work through my traumas (becoming better for myself and those around me). I am also looking into getting my drivers license.  

But what then, what does my life look like after a vaccine is found and covid-19 comes to an end ?

I imagine myself either moving abroad for another year- perhaps to Ireland, Spain or New Zealand and then perhaps returning to Southern Finland and buying or renting my own share (with a private garden) in a bigger commune. If mister right happens to be in my life- great, everything is up for a flexible negotiation. 

Whatever happens I want to make sure that I can reach my dream and afford it on my own, I am saving up (always been good at that) for the future as well as money left for other things, like travel. That house share will be my safe haven, my basepoint, from where I will venture out to get work experience and inspiration, in Europe and perhaps further. 

I might do a house-swap a few times during my life, or just for the summer. I always wanted to experience living in a small Scottish coastal village, working at the local pub, a cultural venue, a book store, postal office, the harbor, a backpacker hostel and possibly herding sheep. Ireland, Iceland, Faroe Islands or Norway would also be places to consider. I would love to work at a Stand-up comedy or Spoken-Word venue for a year or two. I loved doing that in London. I do not care about luxury, but about being self-sustainable and find inspiration wherever possible. 

I prefer to be on the road, the journey, the scenic views, the locals and "the gas-station, train-station and harbor in the middle of nowhere". I save up so that I can have that small house and live with more flexibility without turning to luxury. 

One day-with all the experience I have gathered I might open up my own bookshop and cultural venue space, it could also be a cafe during daytime and pub/bar in the evening. 

You do not have to be a lawyer or ambassador, or even an social media influencer to be able to live an unconventional life. Find a trade you are passionate about and have a back-up profession with lots of work opportunities wherever you are (like care work). Learn an additional language. Work more one year and less the next. Be flexible with the concept of your dream career and volĂ¡, the world is your oyster. Choose what you decide to live for- the experiences or the career ? 

When it comes to money save some, and teach yourself suitable spending habits before you start to embrace your slightly nomadic lifestyle. Do you want the stuff or the adventure ? Iphones or a summer on unpaid leave herding sheep in the Shetlands ? A house for 400 00 € or a share/tiny house for 50 000 € ? New furniture or recycled furniture ? A diamond ring or a simple engraved gold band ? Gym membership or outdoor activities ? 

Make plane/travel tickets a necessary part of the money you manage to put aside, I currently save about 10 % for this lifestyle and 20 % towards that small home I have been dreaming of. Every month is another puzzle piece added. 

It is also important for your well-being to stop thinking about big sums when it comes to your career (do not chase the money as a sole reason to live). If you however want to be at least slightly career orientated see the small progress instead of worrying about missing out on the big ones, change your perspective and be proud of what you have accomplished so far. Learn to live and appreciate a life based on smaller flexible and unpredictable accomplishments. 

I recently realized that I made 30 000 € in the world of books since starting my career change from scratch 3 years ago, this has involved a lot of internships, shorter jobs and my current job (basically a life with flexibility, but also uncertainty). Sure- it is not much counted over 3 years, and yes I have in addition had other jobs on the side (pub, summer camps and care work) to carry me to a higher monthly income. And yes much has gone to rent and other everyday matters, but I have also traveled, lived in expensive London, changed career without paying for a degree,  moved to expensive Helsinki, and been on pandemic furlough, and still saved around 10 000 € during these past 3 years alone. It is up to you how you choose to value you financial progress and what your dream career has given you- and is the dream a ladder-based career or your well-being.

It is all about perspective. 


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