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Set it Free

We laughed like we did before.
We danced around with no rhythm or direction, or not at least the kind you could see, but it was there in a nostalgic understanding that can not be described by the movement in our feet.

It was a girls night out;
they used to happen on occasion and sometimes more often then it should have.
In the past years we grew up, moved apart, we lost contact here and there, our own so called planned lives took the upper hand.

But here we where with our smiles and jokes, gathered from near and far,
it was like at that moment nothing had changed at all.

There were things we knew, had learned through life and growth, and all those things make you grateful to have a night like this that is not lost..

A night where we no longer cared how we came across, looks do not matter, it is how you are feeling that matters the most.

All the things we carried; stumbling, worry, love, lifes direction, and all those parts that still felt so blurry, could be set free,
And for a moment non of it seemed to matter, not to me.

To the best possible cure that only a Girls night out like this can be

This is a poem about getting back to your roots, feeling lucky for the people in your life, happy that they are exactly who they are, who they always where. It is a poem about appreciation, About never changing the things that should always stay the same and about growing to understand what really matters in life and how nights like this should not be washed away.


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