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Swiping for our Match

So my phone is buzzing, to tell me that Radish, Volvic , Matthew and some bloke from Newham have viewed my profile, yuppiee. I have recently decided to get back in the game. Just to make sure I do not end up an old maid..or whatever society norms seem to be afraid off. 

This modern dating with so called match making apps is a strange world..

When looking for your match...; 
-* Swiping and swiping of pictures of shirtless guys in gyms.. (hint; does not impress me at all), Oh you like Puppies, and you just happen to have 5 pictures with the same one, aww how cute. Let me marry you since you like dogs too.. Duck face- skip, waxed eyebrows- skip, posing infront of luxury cars -skip.. Oh you happened to just wake up.. and that is what you look like.. in bed..naked... and hey there is your pillow.. uugh, might need a change of sheets...but he does travel... aaaaand wait for it....; yes it is an unusual find, but he is here - the real life Fifty Shades of Grey man. Yes he wants you to sign a contract.... Skip.-

I started using an app called Badoo. I chose to download it since it said that you can look for people with the same interests in your area. And about those interests..; I could mention my height, my weight, my shape (Oh Yes..) The color of my eyes and my hair for the whole world of Badoo to see. 300 likes from all kinds of men within the first hour. Let me tell you I FEEL LIKE A MEAT BALL ON AUCTION.
The fact that I got messages from total strangers before I even had finished my profile, starting with `- Hey Beautiful, you are just my type XX`, does not make it better. I deleted the app after 3 hours.

Tinder is an oldie where you basically get what you expect. So far Bumble is my hands down favorite, less people who use it so does not feel like you are drowning, the girl is the one who has to start the conversation, and well, lets be honest, least amount of guys who make you feel uncomfortable.

Carnivore app or not, finding "the match" this modern way is like being an investment, and you can raise your stock market value by putting up pictures and information of you that will get as much attention as possible, from the presumably right type of investors. (I do not speak finance).

        -  Did you know that here in London we have an app called The Inner Circle, where the dream goal apparently is to date a Boss.. that is the man is the boss and the girl is a boss if she dates him. And dating a boss requires certain standards...(so how is your stock market ? Good enough ?)

And how about all the competition; do they look better than me? Is there anything better out there, let us swipe and see...We talk to people while thinking that they are exchangeable; to someone similar, with even better assets.

How would you like to use; POF (Plenty of Fish) or OKCupid (just to take that excitement for love out of it..) & how about Hot or Not.. it does have a 4,1 star rating on Google Store..? (I think you see my point)

We value people based on labels, on what we see. But how would we have felt if we stumbled on them on the street ? 

I do not want to know about your abs, job or car... tell me something real, who you really are ? How would you react if I met you the moment water wash splashed on us by a bypassing car ? 

        - I do not think anyone sane really wants to feel like a pawn in this game

What I, and probably most of us want, if we could choose, Is to meet someone out there in real life. To meet and get to know a person, a human being. You stumble on the street and they look at you with a smile when you think you look your worst, they come to ask if you are okey, you chat, exchange numbers. As you wander the street in a slightly nervous conversation they stumble too. Both of you laugh. It is so sweet and true. (and would be a good movie scene too...)

But the reality is, we are too busy to allow the time for a moment like this to occure, let alone notice another individual in the crowd. 
A night out is rarely a good time to get to know anyone and if those singles are not found among your friends of friends.. what are you going to do ? The apps is where we turn too...
We fix our profile to catch the eye, Swipe Swipe and Swipe, hope that somewhere out there is a good candidate to be Mr/Ms Right..

The way the system rolls, that is how we breath, we slowly become the kind of attention seekers this system wants us to be (hence probably all the weird things we see *) We become pickier thanks to the convenient change through a swipe. It is like we never take time to get to know the people, behind these constant comparisons, radars based on " interests", platonic questions and likes. 

If only all of us could Stop and think, get out there and slowly stop looking at the people around us trough this little tin, no marketing pages of human beings, just real life and clumsy shared stumbles that maybe.. perhaps.. lead to something big. 



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