To someone in a panic:
Sometimes we dwell on things, we keep them in. After a long time we want to run, run away, but we feel like we can`t, we are stuck. We are torn. Sometimes I felt like I could not breathe, I was suffocating.
Start by concentrating on your breathing, be there for you. Try to loosen up, get rid of that tension. You are here, and You are here with You. You are here for You. It might take time, and it might not work the first time, or even the third. But I know you can do it. If the releasing of the tension causes tears, let it, do not push them back, remember, you are here for You and so are your tears.
Also, Do not close up, do not leave yourself alone with your emotions and fears.
Talk to somebody,
and I know that it might feel like you can`t , like you shouldn't. You might think that you do not want to worry them or drag them into this, Or that they would not understand.
But no matter what is on your mind, you should,
You are not obligated to suffer.
And I promise you, once you talk, somebody will listen.
I know that you might find yourself in a place where you are not heard even if you told about that pain and the reason for it. I have been there, I have been taken to that point where I panic, he has taken me into his arms and told be to calm down, everything will be okey, I need to stop worrying, and then, sometimes just moments after that I have been let down. I have been scared.
I have gone into panic again and he has asked, What is it now then ? I have tried to calm myself down, still trying to relay on those arms. Then, I have been let down again.
I have cried more silently, even during the most closest of closeness, and he has asked; Do you Always have to Cry ?
Slowly I started to fall into silence
Silence is worse than acting out in panic, Panic is a sign out to the world that you want and need to be heard, that you do not accept.
Never Accept.
If you find yourself here, in a situation where you despite speaking up are repeatedly closed down. Call somebody, anybody. I wish I had. If you feel that there is no one you know that you could call, Call a help-line, they are there for you. There is nothing that you could say that would make them judge you, you do not have to feel ashamed because there is Nothing to be shamed of. You are worth Safety, You are worth someone who does not hurt you, someone who Cares, Listens and Respects You.
You are worth Love.
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